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Sexual harassment webinar sign up on-demandIf you missed our recent ‘Preventing sexual harassment: A new legal duty’ webinar, you can register using the form (on the right) to watch it on-demand.

Simon Fowler, CEO of Empowering People Group, is joined by Jess Kelleher, Head of Litigation at Halborns, and Hayley Saunders, HR Technical Consultant at AdviserPlus, to discuss the practicalities of preparing for this new legal duty. The webinar covers:

  • The current position on employers’ obligations regarding sexual harassment.

  • Key changes under the new law.

  • Financial implications and risk management.

  • Guidance on establishing effective workplace harassment prevention strategies.

Our experts are always available – get in touch if you need to discuss our support solutions to comply with the incoming duty. Whether that’s eLearning, policies, risk assessments, or manager training, we can help. 

This update is accurate on the date it was published, but may be subject to change which may or may not be notified to you. This update is not to be taken as advice and you should seek advice if anything contained within affects you or your business.

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