It’s not what you say but the way that you say it – never truer than in respect of your people policies. Here are my top tips…
Choice of words – straight-talking and plain-English. Engaging and clear language will immediately create a more accessible document and something employees actually want to read. Did you know, around 60% of employees will avoid reading your handbook?
Inclusivity – make sure to drop any-gendered or non-inclusive language so that you’re creating universal appeal.
A feast for the eyes – illustrating processes with flowcharts or getting your message across with images or graphics can really help to break up what are often text-heavy documents.
Layout – setting out your policies so they align with the employment journey will help to make them easier to navigate.
Tech – there are almost endless possibilities with tech to help create something unique. Whether that’s incorporating video-based content to deliver key messages or building something interactive and tactile – the sky’s the limit!