Individual needs will be just that, individual. Supporting neurodiversity won’t be ‘one-size-fits-all’. Here are some of our suggestions on changes to consider to support neurodiverse colleagues:
Inclusive culture – introducing a policy championing neurodiversity is a great way to promote neuro-inclusion, encourage open conversations, and raise awareness of the support you have available. Small practical steps such as providing agendas and follow-up emails/actions for all meetings can help neurodiverse individuals process information at their own pace.
Support plans – if an individual shares that they have a neurodiverse condition, discuss with them whether it’s appropriate to obtain expert medical opinion to help build a personalised plan supporting their specific needs.
Reduce sensory overload – audit your workplace for potential triggers; noise, lighting, background colours (to name a few) and look at how you can address them wholesale to avoid singling out neurodiverse individuals (and creating potential discrimination risks).
Flexible working – discuss with the individual what type of work, tasks and routines might work best for them and help them manage their condition. Discuss varying schedules and flexible working arrangements (where possible) to help set them up for success. Remember that needs may develop over time so review regularly and be open to change.
Mentoring – consider whether individuals may want or be open to coaching or mentoring for any personal development areas they’d like help with (such as organisation or time management).