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As part of keeping you in our focus, our ‘legal lightbulb’ update ensures you’re on top of the latest changes in legislation, case law, and people trends. Here’s pt.2 for this month:

Repeal of retained EU employment laws

The government has introduced a bill to remove specific EU laws. The repeal bill could impact collective consultation requirements, TUPE, maternity and parental protections, working time and agency worker regulations. At this stage, it’s impossible to say what will change (if at all). Expect the detail in the coming months.

This month’s diary dates

7-11 Nov – Talk Money Week & International Stress Awareness Week

13 Nov – World Kindness Day

24 Nov – Carers Rights Day

Thinking ahead 

08 Dec – Christmas Jumper Day

1-31 Jan – Veganuary & Dry January 2023

17 Jan – Blue Monday & Brew Monday 2023

Gender pay gap growth post-pandemic

The gender pay gap for full-time employees has grown to 8.3% post-pandemic, up from 7.7% a year prior. The Office for National Statistics has suggested that these figures are likely still feeling the effects of the pandemic and a “longer-term” view should be taken. Thinking about recruitment long-term? It’s said 60% would not apply for roles where a pay gap exists.


This update is accurate on the date it was sent (08 November 2022), but may be subject to change which may or may not be notified to you. This update is not to be taken as advice and you should seek advice if anything contained within affects you or your business.

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