A recent tribunal decision has found that a mum was discriminated against on the grounds of sex after her boss accused her of ‘skiving’ while looking after her children.
The individual had two young children and was hired as a trainee accountant. It was agreed she could work from home on a Friday to accommodate her lengthy commute and childcare requirements.
Her line manager claimed she had not completed the expected work or training on Fridays. She was accused of ‘skiving’, and was told that being a parent was a “barrier to success” and was dismissed after a probationary review. The tribunal found that the dismissal was rooted in assumptions about her ability to balance work and childcare and therefore amounted to sex discrimination.
Practical takeaway
Unconscious bias – the tribunal highlighted how unconscious discriminatory views can influence decision-making. Recognising and addressing unconscious bias through training and education can help mitigate bias and the potential for it to affect outcomes. Don’t forget wider anti-harassment and equality training to ensure comprehensive coverage – we can help, get in touch.
Proactive probationary practices – ensure your managers are equipped with the tools, training and templates to confidently manage probation processes. Genuine concerns need to be communicated clearly and individuals given the time, opportunity and support to address them.
Clear policies – ensure equal opportunities and anti-harassment policies are up-to-date and regularly communicated to help set the foundations of workplace culture.
Get in touch if you need our advice or guidance on anything we’ve covered in this update.
This update is accurate on the date it was published but may be subject to change which may or may not be notified to you. This update is not to be taken as advice and you should seek advice if anything contained within affects you or your business.