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The government has once again postponed the Employment Bill meaning day-one flexible working and changes to carer’s leave (along with a host of other proposals) will be further delayed.

The Employment Bill included the following proposals – all of which are now delayed indefinitely:

Flexible working – the right to request flexible working arrangements without any qualifying service (currently 26 weeks).

Carer’s leave – a new ‘day-one’ right for unpaid carers to take up to five working days of unpaid leave per year from their usual employment. Employers would not be entitled to deny a request for a carer’s leave, only postpone in specific circumstances.

Neonatal care leave – providing up to 12 weeks’ paid leave for parents of babies requiring neonatal care.

Pregnancy and maternity discrimination – extending redundancy protection from the point the employee notifies their employer of their pregnancy until six months after the end of their maternity leave.

Tips – all tips and services charges were to be passed onto workers in full on a fair and transparent basis.

Predictable working arrangements – a new right for all workers to request a more predictable and stable contract after 26 weeks’ service.

There’s nothing stopping you from implementing some of these ideas despite the government’s delay. In a challenging recruitment market, employee benefits setting you apart from competitors can only help to secure the best individuals.


This update is accurate on the date it was sent (04 May 2022), but may be subject to change which may or may not be notified to you. This update is not to be taken as advice and you should seek advice if anything contained within affects you or your business.

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